05.12.2009 – 06.12.2009, India

Celebration of KIBI’s twentieth anniversary

Karmapa International Buddhist Institute, Anniversary, Ceremony, Empowerment

On December 5 and 6, 2009, the KIBI (Karmapa International Buddhist Institute) celebrated its twentieth anniversary.
During the weeks preceding the event preparations were in full swing: scaffolding went up everywhere, a small host of artists were busy redoing the painting work inside the temple under the direction of Denzong Norbu-la, a great Tibetan painter, and all the outer facades, both of the main building and the surrounding residential complex were completely renovated and repainted.

Then, on December 5, just after the Kagyu Monlam in Bodh Gaya, devotees from many different parts of the world gathered to celebrate the KIBI’s twentieth anniversary. In the afternoon the guests were invited for a high tea in the newly finished apartments on the second floor of the main building. Gyalwa Karmapa and Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche were present for the occasion, and many devotees went to meet them and receive their blessing. Other high-ranking guests included many Rinpoches and Lamas from Asia and Europe.

On the morning of December 6, Gyalwa Karmapa gave the empowerment of White Chenresig, the Buddha aspect representing enlightened compassion. Before starting the actual empowerment, Gyalwa Karmapa addressed the gathering of devotees, saying that on this auspicious day he would like to offer them the initiation of Chenresig.
He reminded the audience that even though most of them had received this initiation many times before it was important to remind oneself of the blessing of Chenresig again and again in order to develop the energy to benefit sentient beings in countless ways.

In the afternoon the guests met for another high tea, and the joyful occasion was rounded off by a joint dinner in the KIBI’s dining room.

Report: Ani Rabjam (Rikki Catty)

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