
June 13th to 16th, 2013: H.H. Gyalwa Karmapa visits France to inaugurate the new Institute in Dhagpo Kagyu Ling

Dhagpo Kagyu Ling

Thursday 13 June
 – Inauguration of the Institute

This day of inaugural festivities led by the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa will begin at 11 am in the presence of dignitaries and guests. It will end with a dinner for all. The entire programme of festivities on Thursday is graciously offered by Dhagpo Kagyu Ling.

Friday 14 to Sunday 16 June
 – Teachings (topics to be announced) 
and the exceptional Gyalwa Gyamtso empowerment

According to the Buddha, within every living being there exists a potential for wisdom that is veiled by emotions, mental habits and confusion. Empowerments are an exceptional means of activating the mind’s natural potential for kindness and understanding. They give practitioners the possibility to engage in profound meditations that can quickly lead to awakening.

The goal of an empowerment is simply to foster 
peace of mind and better understanding.

The 17th Karmapa, Trinley Thayé Dorjé.

Gyalwa Gyamtso (The Ocean of Buddhas in Tibetan) is one of the main meditation practices of the Kagyu lineage. Its object is universal compassion. Rarely conferred in the West, this empowerment takes place over two days. Saturday afternoon is dedicated to the preparation phase, while Sunday the main part of the empowerment will be given. Attendance of all three sessions is required in order to receive the full transmission. However, even partial attendance is sufficient to receive the blessing of the practice

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Words of Wisdom
Normally in life, greed – and in most cases even ambition – are things we need to slowly renounce. But while generating your qualities, such as bodhicitta, you need to be very ambitious, almost greedy