
Announcement: Letter from His Holiness Karmapa concerning Losar 2013


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March 10 to 15, 2013: His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa will transmit empowerments and teachings at K.I.B.I.

Once again, as the crowning highlight of this year’s K.I.B.I. course, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje will transmit two empowerments, give teachings and hold question-and-answer sessions at Karmapa International Buddhist Institute.

The programme with His Holiness is scheduled between March 10 and 15, 2013.
Gyalwa Karmapa will transmit the empowerments of Manjushri (the enlightened aspect embodying the wisdom of all Buddhas) and Gampopa, the main teacher of the first Karmapa Dusum Khyenpa.

He will also give general dharma teachings and answer any questions his students may have.

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Program for Gyalwa Karmapa visit in Hong Kong

Between January 18 and 27, 2013, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje will pay his third official visit to Hong Kong, following ardent requests by his many disciples there. Please find below the official programme for his upcoming visit.

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Program for Kagyu Monlam 2012 in Bodhgaya

We are pleased to announce that the programme for this year’s Kagyu Monlam, which will take place between December 14 and 20, has been finalized. During his teaching sessions His Holiness Karmapa will comment on the great bodhisattva Samantabhadra’s aspiration prayer for excellent conduct, which is the main prayer accumulated during the Kagyu Monlam. Making such aspirations in the sacred place of Bodhgaya where the historical Buddha Shakyamuni attained enlightenment, in the presence of realised bodhisattvas, accumulates immense merit and helps to pacify both natural and man-made disasters and obstacles. It benefits not only the practitioners taking part in the Monlam but all those connected to them, and ultimately all sentient beings.

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New website of Karmapa International Buddhist Society

Visit new website of Karmapa International Buddhist Society.
There are news regarding events in Karmapa International Buddhist Institute (KIBI) in New Delhi as well as KIBS projects.

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Words of Wisdom
“The inner wealth would be none other than the understanding of one’s true nature.”