08.12.2018, India

Karmapa brings his son Thugsey to KIBI for the first time

On 8 December 2018, Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, brought his son Thugsey to the Karmapa International Buddhist Institute (KIBI) in Delhi for the first time. Karmapa, […]

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08.12.2018, India

Karmapa Brings His Son Thugsey to KIBI For The First Time

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18.03.2018, India

Gala Dinner with Karmapa in the garden of the Karmapa International Buddhist Institute

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18.03.2018, India

Closing ceremony and Chenresig Empowerment on the last day of the Karmapa Public Course 2018

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17.03.2018, India

Traditional life release at the Karmapa International Buddhist Institute

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Words of Wisdom
“Our smallest actions matter so much. This is the kind of awareness that we have to develop.”