25.05.2002 – 27.05.2002, France

Gyalwa Karmapa comes to Dhagpo Kundreul Ling

Ceremony, Empowerment, Retreat

On May 25th, Gyalwa Karmapa visited the retreat centre and monastery Dhagpo Kundreul Ling in France where Khenchen Trinley Paljor expected him already. Khenchen Trinley Paljor Rinpoche is a very experienced master who transmitted to the Gyalwa Karmapa, to Gyaltrul Rinpoche, Nendo Tenam Rinpoche und Drubsing Rinpoche the “Six Yogas of Naropa”.

On May 26th a Sang-ritual was conducted. May 27th, the full moon-day was the first day of retreat. Khenchen Rinpoche gave the Dorje Pagmo-empowerment to the Gyalwa Karmapa and his small group. Then the door of the retreat center was sealed until September.

Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche arrived the same day and gave a lecture in the nunnery of Dhagpo Kundreul Ling. He announced that he has given the responsibility of the Karma Kagyu school to the Gyalwa Karmapa.

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Words of Wisdom
“We can overcome eons of negative actions, speech & thought with one great moment of generating compassion”