On the second day of the Mönlam the participants gathered once again at the holy site of the Mahabodhi Temple for another day of chanting. In the morning the Gyalwa Karmapa and Shamar Rinpoche did not join in the recitation – there was another event scheduled which required their presence: the enthronement of Je Karma Trinlepa Chenpo, a tulku of the Karma Kagyu lineage who manifests only once every five or six generations.
The present fourth incarnation is now 20 years old. He was born and raised in Nepal, and recognised as Karma Trinlepa at the age of four by Shamar Rinpoche. For the past three years, he has been studying at the renowned Sakya College in Deradun.
For his official enthronement ceremony today both Gyalwa Karmapa and Shamar Rinpoche, as well as most of the Rinpoches and high lamas were present.
First Karmapa Trinlepa prostrated in front of Gyalwa Karmpa, then he made a mandala offering to both Karmapa and Shamarpa Rinpoche, as well as the symbolic offering of enlightened body, speech, mind, qualities and activity to Gyalwa Karmapa.
He then mounted his throne for the first time, after which the traditional tea and rice were offered. To conclude with, he was in turn presented with mandala offerings by the Rinpoches present.
Appointment Ceremony of Lodrö Rabphel Rinpoche As Karmapa’s New General Secretary
Another special event was scheduled for the afternoon: Lodrö Rabphel Rinpoche was officially appointed General Secretary of the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa.
The first part of the ceremony took part in the private rooms of the Karmapa, in the presence of the Gyalwa Karmapa himself, Togden Rinpoche and several of Karmapa’s monks.
Lodrö Rabphel Rinpoche then went down to the main temple where he mounted the throne which had been prepared for him. He was then warmly welcomed into his new function by all the Rinpoches, lamas, monks, nuns and lay devotees present.
Jay Karma Trinleypa Rinpoche
Mandalaopferung von Jay Karma Trinleypa Rinpoche an Karmapa und Shamarpa
Mandalaopferung von Jay Karma Trinleypa Rinpoche an Karmapa und Shamarpa
Mandalaopferung von Jay Karma Trinleypa Rinpoche an Karmapa und Shamarpa
Mandalaopferung von Jay Karma Trinleypa Rinpoche an Karmapa und Shamarpa
Mandalaopferung von Jay Karma Trinleypa Rinpoche an Karmapa und Shamarpa
Mandalaopferung von Jay Karma Trinleypa Rinpoche an Karmapa und Shamarpa
Mandalaopferung von Jay Karma Trinleypa Rinpoche an Karmapa und Shamarpa
Mandalaopferung von Jay Karma Trinleypa Rinpoche an Karmapa und Shamarpa
Mandalaopferung von Jay Karma Trinleypa Rinpoche an Karmapa und Shamarpa
Mandalaopferung von Jay Karma Trinleypa Rinpoche an Karmapa und Shamarpa
Mandalaopferung von Jay Karma Trinleypa Rinpoche an Karmapa und Shamarpa
Mandalaopferung von Jay Karma Trinleypa Rinpoche an Karmapa und Shamarpa
Inthronisierung von Jay Karma Trinleypa Rinpoche durch Karmapa und Shamarpa
Inthronisierung von Jay Karma Trinleypa Rinpoche durch Karmapa und Shamarpa
Inthronisierung von Jay Karma Trinleypa Rinpoche durch Karmapa und Shamarpa
Inthronisierung von Jay Karma Trinleypa Rinpoche durch Karmapa und Shamarpa
Inthronisierung von Jay Karma Trinleypa Rinpoche durch Karmapa und Shamarpa
Geschenke un Opferungan an Jay Karma Trinleypa Rinpoche
Geschenke un Opferungan an Jay Karma Trinleypa Rinpoche
Geschenke un Opferungan an Jay Karma Trinleypa Rinpoche
Geschenke un Opferungan an Jay Karma Trinleypa Rinpoche
Geschenke un Opferungan an Jay Karma Trinleypa Rinpoche
Geschenke un Opferungan an Jay Karma Trinleypa Rinpoche
Geschenke un Opferungan an die Familie von Jay Karma Trinleypa Rinpoche
Geschenke un Opferungan an die Familie von Jay Karma Trinleypa Rinpoche
Geschenke un Opferungan an die Familie von Jay Karma Trinleypa Rinpoche
Geschenke un Opferungan an die Familie von Jay Karma Trinleypa Rinpoche
Geschenke un Opferungan an die Familie von Jay Karma Trinleypa Rinpoche
Geschenke un Opferungan an Jay Karma Trinleypa Rinpoche
Geschenke un Opferungan an Jay Karma Trinleypa Rinpoche
Jay Karma Trinleypa Rinpoche in einem Berg von Kattaks