25.07.2003 – 30.07.2003, USA

Gyalwa Karmapa in Santa Barbara

Empowerment, Transmission, Visit

Suzan Garner and Bart Mendel invited the Gyalwa Karmapa to the Karma Kagyu center in Santa Barbara.

July 25: On the way the Gyalwa Karmapa visited a dharma group in Morro Bay. He was requested to give a public lung or reading transmission for the Mahamudra-Prayer authored by the 3rd Karmapa, Rangjung Dorje. About 200 people attended the transmission.

July 26:  Gyalwa Karmapa gave the Dorje Pagmo empowerment for those practitioners who had completed the Preliminary Practices.

July 27: Gyalwa Karmapa gave a Milarepa empowerment in the Lobero Theatre in Santa Barbara. 23 years before, the 16th Gyalwa Karmapa had given a crown ceremony exactly in this place.

July 28: The Gyalwa Karmapa and his group was invited for Whale Watching in the open sea: a dozen huge whales appeared.

July 30: Return to Menlo Park.

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Words of Wisdom
“Our smallest actions matter so much. This is the kind of awareness that we have to develop.”