11.04.2018, Hong Kong

Karmapa visits Hong Kong in April 2018

Hong Kong Convention Center, Audiences, Empowerment, Teaching, Visit

31 March 2018


Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, together with his wife Sangyumla Rinchen Yangzom, and his entourage, enjoyed a traditional Cantonese lunch with the sponsor committee of the event at the Golden Bauhinian restaurant on Hong Kong Island.

Sponsors of the event in Hong Kong have lunch with Karmapa

Sponsors of the event in Hong Kong have lunch with Karmapa


In the afternoon, the program at the Hong Kong Convention Center started with a Four-Armed Chenresig Empowerment.
By way of opening the program, Karmapa explored with the audience the deeper meaning of generating compassion. He reminded those in attendance that the very fact of being gathered for this occasion was the result of (having practiced) compassion. He went on to explain that, from the very moment one can breathe, there is a direct experience of compassion that is beyond words. Generating love and compassion is not something that can be forced. Rather, in a playful manner and with a caring heart, we can joyfully practice the Buddha Dharma and naturally develop compassion.
Among the 2700 people present in the hall there were many Rinpoches, monks and nuns; practitioners from various Buddhist centers in Hong Kong; devotees from numerous countries in Asia; and also many students from the West.
During the ceremony, many devotees took the opportunity to present Karmapa with the traditional offerings of body, speech and mind.
The blessing took several hours and went on until well past midnight.

See the galleries:
31 April 2018 Sponsors of the Hong Kong event have lunch with Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa
31 April 2018 General audiences with HH Gyalwa Karmapa in Hong Kong
31 April 2018 Karmapa gives a Chenresig Empowerment to about 2700 people

1 April 2018


The Kagyu Monlam started in the morning and went on all day.
In the early afternoon, Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, granted audiences to groups from China, Taiwan, Singapore and the Philippines.
In the evening, Karmapa joined the Mahakala Puja, and there was once again a possibility for body, speech and mind offerings.

See the galleries:
1 April 2018 Groups from China, Taiwan, Singapore and Philippines come to meet Karmapa
1 April 2018 Mahakalapuja with mandala offerings to Gyalwa Karmapa

2 April, 2018


The next morning, the Kagyu Monlam continued.
Just as before, many groups from different countries took the opportunity to meet with Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa.

Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, presides over a Kagyu Monlam in Hong Kong

Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, presides over a Kagyu Monlam in Hong Kong


Before the puja was performed, Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, gave a teaching about the meaning of this practice, both for the practitioner and for the deceased.
He explained that the best prayer, the best aspiration that we can offer for the deceased would be to pray that they may find an opportunity like the one we have now – the opportunity to reflect on what it really means to live and to die.

See the galleries:
2 April 2018 Audiences with Karmapa, Hong Kong 2018
2 April 2018 Karmapa Presides over the Kagyu Monlam in Hong Kong
2 April 2018 Ritual (chang chog puja) for the Deceased Led by Karmapa, Hong Kong

3 and 4 April, 2018


On the afternoons of 3 and 4 April, in the Drawing Room of the Grand Hyatt Hotel, Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa granted private audiences..
These were precious moments for quite a number of people: opportunities to meet the Karmapa; to ask for his blessing; to request his advice for their personal Dharma practice; to ask for decisions concerning various projects and Dharma centres; or to present new ideas for supporting the Karma Kagyu lineage. Many devotees brought along their families and loved ones – old people, young children and babies, sick or disabled relatives – to meet Karmapa and receive his blessing.

See the galleries:
3 April 2018 Audiences with Karmapa in Hong Kong
4 April 2018 Karmapa Hosts Audiences in Hong Kong

5 April, 2018


Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, and his wife Sangyumla Rinchen Yangzom, visited the Karma Kagyu Lineage Center (New Horizon Buddhist Association) at Lee Chung Street in Chai Wan, Hong Kong.
Chagmey Rinpoche, who, together with Omze Ngedon, runs the Center, cordially welcomed Karmapa.
Members of the Karma Kagyu Lineage Center made the traditional offerings of mandala and body, speech and mind, followed by the serving of tea and rice.
Venerable Kusung Nendo Rinpoche, Omze Geleg and monks from Rumtek Monastery in Sikkim (the main seat-in-exile of Karmapa) recited wishing prayers. Karmapa blessed the center.
Then, a large number of people queued up to receive a blessing from Karmapa, and for many of them it was also their first opportunity to meet with Karmapa’s wife Sangyumla.

See the gallery:
5 April 2018 Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Karmapa, Visits the Bodhi Path Center in Hong Kong

6 April, 2018


Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, visited the Bodhi Path Buddhist Tara Center at Castle Peak Road in Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong, which is under the spiritual guidance of Lama Jakarla. Karmapa blessed the center and its members, and many guests also took the opportunity to receive a blessing.

See the gallery:
6 April 2018 Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Karmapa, Visits Bodhi Path Buddhist Tara Center


Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, visited the Kagyu Library (www.kagyulibrary.hk), the new center of Khenpo Karsang at Queens Road West, Kennedy Road, Hong Kong. Karmapa and Sangyumla Rinchen Yangzom were given a warm welcome by the members of the center and by Khenpo Karsang. Karmapa gave a short speech and blessed the center and the numerous devotees who were in attendance.

See the gallery:
6 April 2018 Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Karmapa, Visits Kagyu Library in Hong Kong

7 April, 2018


Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, conducted two teaching sessions on General Dharma at the Hong Kong Convention Center.
Concerning the rituals of our Dharma practice, Karmapa explained that if we are aware that all of these are simply skilful means, then with that kind of awareness we can truly appreciate the practice. If we try too hard, spirituality can appear as a kind of additional problem, an additional burden. If, on the other hand, we see that all these aspects of practice that we have built up are not as serious as we might have thought, then this will help put us at ease and we will be able to begin to develop joy in our practice.
Karmapa thus encouraged the audience to initiate a healthy relationship with the practice from the very start.

Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, gives a dharma teaching and responds to questions from students

Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, gives a dharma teaching and responds to questions from students

See the galleries:
7 April 2018 Audiences with Karmapa in Hong Kong
7 April 2018 Karmapa Leads a Dharma Teaching in Hong Kong

8 April, 2018


The starting point for the two ferries was North Point Ferry Pier, Harbour Parade, Hong Kong.
Having boarded one of the ferries, Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, gave a short Dharma teaching, explaining the proper intention to be cultivated for the long-life ritual and the fish release.
Karmapa explained that since we are connected not only to those who are close to us, but also to many others through similar causes or aspirations, the practice of sending and dedicating all our merit will have a benefit that reaches far and wide. When releasing fish or other species, no matter how well we may protect them or how pure our wishes are, we will not be able to change their karma. Some may indeed be safe for some time, others may not and run straight into obstacles after their release. However, if the intention to save sentient beings comes from within our heart, then the physical act of releasing life has a positive impact. It shows that we can do something for sentient beings, and we can continue to try again and again.
Lunch was then served on board the two ferries, cruising around Victoria Harbour.
Then, a small fishing boat containing the animals to be released docked by one of the ferries. Karmapa, Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche, Beru Khyentse Rinpoche, Chagmey Rinpoche, Choponla Karma Trinley, Omze Geleg, some lamas and a few lay people boarded the small boat, and the ‘Tse Thar’ (Life Release) was performed. A large number of fish were released into the sea.

Karmapa leads a traditional fish release ceremony

Karmapa leads a traditional fish release ceremony

After the ceremony, the little fishing boat took Karmapa and his entourage to the other ferry, where he once again gave a short speech to the passengers and stayed with them until the end of the cruise.
There was then a thanksgiving speech and best wishes for all.

See the gallery:
8 April 2018 Karmapa Presides Over a Life Release Ceremony at Hong Kong Harbou

11 April, 2018
Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, was visited by Venerable Ado Rinpoche at the Grand Hyatt Hotel.

Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, with Ado Rinpoche and Sangyumla

Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, with Ado Rinpoche and Sangyumla

See the gallery:
11 April 2018 Karmapa Meets with Ado Rinpoche

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“The inner wealth would be none other than the understanding of one’s true nature.”