Karmapa’s Life

Kagyu Monlam 2012 in Bodhgaya, India

For the past six years, ever since 2007, the Kagyu Monlam Chenmo has been taking place every year.

This year’s Monlam opened on December 14, 2011, with the lighting of the sacrificial lamp by His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje, before He took His seat on the throne to lead the assembled monastic and lay sangha in the recitation of praises to different enlightened aspects and aspiration prayers for world peace and the enlightenment of all beings.

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09.12.2012, India

Gyalwa Karmapa received Dr. Ambedkar International Award

H.H. the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje was invited as the chief guest and felicitated at the 28th National Dalit Literature conference held in Delhi on 9th December 2012.

The highlight of the conference arrived when the organizers conferred on His Holiness the prestigious Dr. Ambedkar International Award. His Holiness joined the list of international spiritual luminaries which include H.H. Dalai Lama amongst its past recipients.

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05.12.2012, India

Meditation Course at Karmapa International Buddhist Institute

His Holiness the XVIIth Gyalwa Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje presided over a week long meditation course at KIBI where he guided the congregation of students in doing meditation and led them in doing the Chenrezig Sadhana practice. A few Dharma Q&A sessions were also conducted where he gave many elucidating answers to the students’ questions.

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11.11.2012, India

Ninth Buddhist Conference in Gujarat, India

His Holiness the XVIIth Gyalwa Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje, Supreme Head of the Karma Kagyu lineage, was invited as the Guest of Honour by the Indian Buddhist Congress and Friends in Dhamma, who jointly organized the Ninth Buddhist conference on 11th November 2012 Sunday 2012 in the state of Gujarat, India.

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Learning From Lehman. Gyalwa Karmapa publishes new article in Huffington Post.

Saturday 15 September marks four years since the fall of the Lehman brothers, the beginning of the economic crisis. Seeing and experiencing how the economic system has caused pain and sorrow for many people around the world, we cannot forget, however, that it was once intended for something good and to benefit everybody. With the economy as well as our day-to-day lives, we have to remember to combine the qualities of compassion and wisdom with everything we do.

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Words of Wisdom
I will make wishes and aspirations for all of us to keep our connection (…) in this way our intention and mindset are the same, and then no matter the distance and time – they will not separate us