01.08.2015 – 09.08.2015, Germany

Teachings, empowerments, meditation at Diamond Way Buddhism Europe Center

Diamond Way Buddhism Europe Center, Ceremony, Empowerment, Puja, Teaching

From 1st to 9th of August 2015 Thaye Dorje the 17th Karmapa gave teachings, empowerments at Diamond Way Buddhism Europe Center in Germany.

Between August 2 and 9, 2015, Thaye Dorje, the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa conducted an extensive programme consisting of sessions of teachings and meditation, as well as two empowerments, at Europe Center in Germany, the main international center of the Diamond Way organisation.

1st August
Upon his arrival at Europe Center on the evening of August 1 His Holiness Karmapa was warmly welcomed by Lama Ole and hundreds of students.

2nd August
On the morning of the next day everyone gathered in the courtyard for the official inauguration. Representatives of the City of Immenstadt and the German Buddhist Union, Caty Hartung, Lama Ole Nydahl and His Holiness Karmapa gave inspiring speeches. After the inauguration ceremony Gyalwa Karmapa, together with Lama Ole, sealed a Time Capsule in the middle of the main courtyard.

In the afternoon Gyalwa Karmapa, together with Sherab Gyaltsen Rinpoche, performed the inauguration of the new Meditation Hall.

In the evening, various Diamond Way Buddhist Centers from all over the world presented videos about their projects and activities on a big screen in the main tent.

3rd August
On Tuesday His Holiness Karmapa taught about The Way of the Bodhisattvas, referring to a famous text about compassion by the Great Indian Master Shantideva.

5th August
That day was devoted to an eight-hour meditation session on Chenresig, the Buddha aspect embodying enlightenedcompassion, guided by Gyalwa Karmapa.

7th August
On Friday morning over six thousand people gathered in the huge tent to receive the White Tara empowerment from Gyalwa Karmapa.

White Tara is an aspect of long life. During the introductory teaching Gyalwa Karmapa emphasized several times that compassion and wisdom are inseparable.

“True wisdom that we are all looking for can only be gained through the practice of compassion. There is no other way. That’s why they are inseparable.“

8th August
The following day at Europe Center was devoted to the memory of the late Kunzig Shamar Rinpoche. Gyalwa Karmapa taught about the meaning of wishes and aspirations. This was followed by the recitation of Samantabhadra’s King of Aspiration Prayers of Excellent Conduct, Calling the Guru from Afar and the Swift Rebirth Prayer for Shamar Rinpoche.

Thaye Dorje, the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa explained the meaning of wishes and aspirations.

“The reason why we aspire is to gain bodhicitta – compassion and wisdom. That is the aim. There are many ways to obtain these. Since we generated bodhicitta, we practice the ways of the Bodhisattvas.” He then talked about the paramitas, explaining that often they are classified into six, sometimes ten, but that these classifications are just there for practical reasons, and that in fact there are countless paramitas. He explained that aspiration is one of these paramitas that help us cross the ocean of confusion towards the shore of enlightenment.

Later on His Holiness concluded that “aspirations and dedications have to go hand in hand” and emphasised the importance of dedication, explaining that it is through the aspect of dedicating that the merit that has been generated from aspirations becomes limitless and is shared with all beings.

After the first recitation of the Samantabhadra prayer in Tibetan, Gyalwa Karmapa noted that the pronunciation was good.

During the day, His Holiness received visitors and met with young Buddhists.

In the afternoon session His Holiness gave explanations on the Swift Rebirth Prayer, and at the very end of the session concluded that it had been a meritorious day.
9th August

Sunday was the last day of the program at Europe Center in Immenstadt. Gyalwa Karmapa bestowed the Vajrapani (Tib: Channa Dorje) empowerment to around 7500 people.

Right after the empowerment, before the blessing with the ritual objects started, representatives of the Diamond Way organisation conducted a short thanksgiving ceremony to express their gratitude to Gyalwa Karmapa and his entourage as well as Lama Ole.


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Words of Wisdom
So when we practice compassion, when we apply compassion in our daily lives, we really have to tell ourselves, “That’s me, that’s who I am. I cannot change that; no one can change that.