09.10.2017, Singapore

Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Karmapa’s visit in Singapore 2017

KKBC Singapore, Conference, Empowerment, Teaching

See the images from His Holiness the 17th Karmapa’s visit in Singapore 2017. Report coming soon.


October 2:

His Holiness Gyalwa Karmapa and his entourage arrive from Kuching. Shangpa Rinpoche welcomes His Holiness

His Holiness Gyalwa Karmapa and his entourage arrive from Kuching. Shangpa Rinpoche welcomes His Holiness at Singapore International Airport

October 3:

HH Gyalwa Karmapa meets a school class from Singapore

HH Gyalwa Karmapa meets a school class from Singapore

HH Gyalwa Karmapa teaches about Effordless Clarity

HH Gyalwa Karmapa teaches about Effortless Clarity

October 4:

People from many countries come to receive a blessing from HH Gyalwa Karmapa

People from many countries come to receive a blessing from HH Gyalwa Karmapa

October 5:

All the Rinpoches present offer Body Speech and Mind to HH Gyalwa Karmapa during White Tara puja

All the Rinpoches present offerings of  Body Speech and Mind to His Holiness Gyalwa Karmapa during the White Tara puja

October 6:

Jang Chog Puja for the deceased with His Holiness Gyalwa Karmapa in the Amitabha room

Jang Chog Puja for the deceased with His Holiness Gyalwa Karmapa in the Amitabha room

October 7:

October 8

Dialogue with HH Gyalwa Karmapa on Karma Kagyu Buddhist Centre´s book "Blossom"

Dialogue with His Holiness Gyalwa Karmapa on Karma Kagyu Buddhist Centre´s book “Blossom”

October 9

Audience by HH Gyalwa Karmapa for sponsors and volunteers

Audience with His Holiness Gyalwa Karmapa for main supporters and volunteers

Teaching by His Holiness Gyalwa Karmapa: Establishing the Foundation of Dharma

Teaching by His Holiness Gyalwa Karmapa: Establishing the Foundation of Dharma

See more galleries from the events in Singapore:

02.10.2017 Gyalwa Karmapa Arrival at Singapore International Airport for his 2017 Tour
02.10.2017 Welcome Ceremony at Karma Kagyud Buddhist Centre in Singapore
03.10.2017 Audiences and blessings with His Holiness the Karmapa at KKBC Singapore
03.10.2017 Gyalwa Karmapa teaches about Effortless Clarity at the Karma Kagyu Buddhist Centre
04.10.2017 Audiences and Group Pictures with His Holiness Karmapa in Singapore
05.10.2017 Consecration Ritual (Rabne) of the New Building of Karma Kagyud Buddhist Centre Singapore
05.10.2017 White Tara Puja led by His Holiness the Karmapa in Singapore
06.10.2017 Ritual for the deceased led by Gyalwa Karmapa at KKBC Singapore
06.10.2017 White Tara Empowerment at the Singapore EXPO Convention and Exhibition Centre
07.10.2017 The Grand Kagyu Monlam in Singapore 2017
08.10.2017 Opening Ceremony of the New Building of Karma Kagyud Buddhist Centre in Singapore
08.10.2017 Question and Answer Session with Gyalwa Karmapa at KKBC Singapore
08.10.2017 Appreciation dinner with His Holiness Karmapa in Singapore
09.10.2017 Audiences with Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Karmapa during Singapore 2017 Visit
09.10.2017 Teaching about The Foundation of Dharma at KKBC Singapore

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Words of Wisdom
So when we practice compassion, when we apply compassion in our daily lives, we really have to tell ourselves, “That’s me, that’s who I am. I cannot change that; no one can change that.